Automatic module Import into PrestaShop csv or xls


Importing a file on PrestaShop is a long and not easy job, we have scripts ready and tested for 10 years, trust us and we create a form just for you to import and update the catalog automatically.

The module is known as PWI import.

Attributes (attributes)
Features (Features)
Multi Categlry, 1 products on more categories


PrestaShop Wide Import

With this product we take care of importing the products on your prestashop. We create automatic scripts with a module, made by us and not the import of prestashop with enormous advantages in terms of speed and functionality, in fact our import creates category trees and can also have variants in the same file.

You give us a csv or xls or xlsx file (or other after a quote) and we import your products and provide you with the already filled database tables, or we do the work directly on your site.

Compatible with:

categories up to 5 levels

multicategories up to 3 categories per product

images up to 10

Atrributi (attributes)


Brands (Brand)

ean codes for both the product and the variables

What our module does more than the standard import:

    1. Automatic scipt
    2. download files from httpd or ftp and process it
    3. categories on the same file, so with the same names they are correctly matched
    4. multicurl, upload 10 images simultaneously
    5. attributes or features on the same files
    6. possibility to insert calculation scripts, price, excl. VAT, concatenation of titles or descriptions
    7. up to 100 times faster than the standard prestashop import
    8. incremental, choice of fields to update on existing products, creation of new

The module will be tested on our servers on the same version of prestashop, and mounted on your newly approved one.

SEND US your COMMITMENT WITHOUT COMMITMENT and we will confirm that all fields are importable and advice on how to import for seo or customer usability purposes.

Data sheet

Importa Immagini
Importa Attributi (attributes) es. taglia e colori
Importa Funzionalità (features, caratteristiche, scheda tecnica)
Importa Albero categorie completo (fino a 5 livelli, fino a 5 categorie differenti per prodotto)